Six Fun Facts

I am a pretty red extrovert, and I have taken special care in the last three years to be more mindful about my extroverted ways. I have learned to modulate my speech, and move my hands less, when engaging an introvert. It’s taken me years to work on this, but I think I have gotten better. I have a few fun facts to share. These are truisms for me, and might not hold water for you. 

1. Thinking about communication is work. 

2. You do not have to respond. 

3. Pause, and then reposed. (If you are going to do so). 

4. Use delay delivery with your email. It also gives you some time to go back and review

5. Enthusiasm can go a long way. 

6. A meaningful thank you or sorry is worth its price in rubies. 

That is all! Here are some screen caps from “Finding Dory.” 


5 Facts About Me

1.  I am committed to lifelong learning. I regularly read books outside of my area of education and training to learn and grow.

2. Related to number one, I am reading an array of books, magazines, and articles. I never leave the house or my office without something to read.

3. I have an irrational fear of zombies. My family and friends tease me about this. This fear does not stop me from reading zombie lit and watch terrible zombie movies. <This also didn’t stop me from buying a shirt about zombies liking us for our brains.>

4. My family centers me. Sitting around the dinner table or talking with them takes me to my happy place. As my kids get bigger I find that our conversations about life offer insight into the people they are becoming.

5. I will never get tired of working with students. The other day I shared an enthusiastic high five with a student, when I verified that he was ready to declare his major. This was his moment and we shared it.


Five Things About Me

I haven’t done my Friday Fun Facts in a very long time, and it is not Friday. I thought that I would share five things about me that you may not know.

1. I worked at a Hallmark store and for a bank during most of my undergrad. One was the phone job, but both required that I work with the public. The Hallmark job enabled my obsession with great cards and post-cards. I try to send a card or two out every week to someone who has helped me.

2. I have consistently found good take aways from business management or business leadership books. Remember I have taught in the Social Sciences, Arts and Letters, or Humanities for my career, but I have found business books useful for project management and leadership.

3. I am the eldest of five siblings. And, most of what you know about eldest siblings applies. I’m not conservative, but most of the known characteristics applies and I tend to get along well with other eldest siblings. We gravitate toward one another.

4. I am an extrovert. I am more cognizant of my extreme extrovert traits and have to remind myself to dial it back, as I feel exuberant about my job and the things that I do. I think that the exuberance is amusing to my students and I am OK with that.

5. I love teaching. A switch goes on when I walk into the classroom—my classroom or another’s and I feel home. It sounds corny, but it is true.

The image is shared via @kmclellan I think I have his Twitter handle right.


More Friday Fun Facts

This week’s Friday Fun Facts is random. Things I’m getting better at and things I need to work on.

1. As much as it frustrates me, I am getting better at not chasing students for their late work. I will inquire once and then move on. Before I would ask and send multiple emails. But, there are only so many hours in the day and most students know that their work is late.

2. I’m also becoming more patient. I’m not sure what has happened here–maybe it has something to do with not having to suffer through terrible traffic and having everything relatively close to me, but I feel more zen than ever before in my life.

3. OK. Need to be honest here. I need to get better at having time off. I enjoy my job and am a workaholic and I have to remind myself or get reminded by my family to take time off. I won’t even bother listing the vacations where I took some work with me. Not taking my iPhone with me to California provides me a few weeks of stepping away from the grid for a bit. Yes, I still check in via my laptop, but I’m not as connected, which is a good thing. I need to repeat that–which is a good thing.

4. I am getting better at scoring poor work as a 0. I used to offer a mercy grade of a 30 or 40, but during the last two years I’ve come to realize that I don’t do the student a favor with the mercy grade.

5. I need to work on saying no! That’s right–I have a history of saying yes and then I’m suddenly over-committed.

Enjoy the weekend!

Fun Facts

This week’s version of facts is less personal and reflects my thoughts at work.

1. I assign a fair bit of reading.

2. I expect students to come to class prepared.

3. I hope that students review the syllabus on more than one occasion.

4. I really, really like my job. Think, talk, advise, and write for a living?!

5. I enjoy mentoring.

6. I enjoy my role as an Undergraduate Advisor.

7. Shoddy work bothers me.

8. When I say that I’m here to help, I mean it.

9. Office hours provides some of the best moments.

10. I respond to student emails promptly.

I doubt these are fun, but offers some insight into what I’m thinking now!

Friday Facts

A friend’s blog post made me realize that it was time for me to share some information. Random musings and I’ll post this occasionally on a Friday.

Today’s Friday Facts are about me:

1. I’m a Cancer–yes, a crab. Some days it really fits.

2. I’m the oldest of five.

3. I cannot stand the smell of fish and do not eat fish.

4. I can’t tolerate gluten and dairy, but I occasionally eat them and pay a price.

5. I’ve been vegan before and am currently mostly vegetarian.

6. I have two Calico cats–Arwen and Hermione. Yes, one is names for a character in Lord of the Rings and the other from Harry Potter.

7. I am scared to death and fascinated by the reanimated dead–yes, zombies. Cringes.

8. I almost always have nuts in my bag or in my car. Good source of fast protein to even blood sugar.

9. Almost everyday I miss my family in California and the good weather.

10. I love to read–books, magazines, you name it. I always have reading material on me, in my car or in different locations around my house.